MATLAB: Matlab level 2 s-functions with 2-dimensional inputs

2d input2d output3d input3d outputarray inputsmatlab level 2 s function

Hi all I'd appreciate your help, with the following problem:
I want to feed a n-dimensional Input into an S-Function, add a row in a chosen dimension, this modified Input works as output of my function. This works quite fine as long as the Input is a 1D-Vector, however i want to use 2D or 3D inputs. At least 2D inputs should be possible according to the documention.
The input i feed my function with is a [4×2] matrix.
The errors I get:
"Error in port widths or dimensions. Output port 1 of 'Test_simple/Constant' is a [4×2] matrix."
The output dimensions should be a 4×3 Matrix, however the s function fails to iniate the inputs, so i am unable to fix the output dimensions in: "setInPortDims". When I add a break right after the initiation of "setInPortDims" the same error appears and I am unable to check the dimension di of the input. So this isn't actually due to the false dimension of the output but rather tho a failed initiation.
"Error in port widths or dimensions. Invalid dimension has been specified for input port 1 of 'Test_simple/Level-2 MATLAB S-Function1'."
This shows that my assumption of a failed input initiation seems true. I am pretty sure that the function fails to initiate the inputs due to this error, now how can i fix this?
My Code:
function VPSFUNC4S(block)
function setup(block)
block.NumInputPorts = 1;
block.NumOutputPorts = 1;
block.AllowSignalsWithMoreThan2D = 1;
block.InputPort(1).DirectFeedthrough = true;
block.InputPort(1).Dimensions = -1;
block.OutputPort(1).Dimensions = -1;
block.SampleTimes = [0 0];
block.NumContStates = 1;
block.SimStateCompliance = 'DefaultSimState';
block.RegBlockMethod('SetInputPortDimensions', @SetInpPortDims);
block.RegBlockMethod('Outputs', @Outputs);
function SetInpPortDims(block, idx, di)
block.InputPort(idx).Dimensions = di;
block.InputPort(1).Data %just for checking Input
if dim(1)+dim(2)< 3 && length(dim)<3; %identify if Input is 1D
di=[di 2]; %Case for 1D
di(2)=di(2)+1; %Case for dimension > 1D
block.OutputPort(1).Dimensions = di;
function Outputs(block)
for k=1:4;

Best Answer

I've found the rather simple Solution. Since I haven't specified the datatype of the in- and outputs it seems to have failed the initialization.
So by specifying the datatypes with:
block.InputPort(1).DataTypeID = 0; block.OutputPort(1).DataTypeID = 0;
This Function works properly, the datatypeID 0 is double.
Hope this helps someone else with the same question as me.