MATLAB: Matlab is busy after running system() command

matlab busysystem

Hi everybody,
I am running a cmd command via matlab using
where cmd is my command and is starting a programm (Ansys Workbench).
However, after the program is loaded Matlab is still busy. Is there an alternative option to run a system command?
Running a batch file would also be ok. If I manually start the program with the batch file and then starting my Matlab script, everything works fine.
Thanks in advance and best regards

Best Answer

Hi Felix,
In order for the MATLAB not to be busy, you have to close the program and then you can resume to work in MATLAB.
There's also an option that tells MATLAB not to wait for the program to be closed if you add the '&' symbol.
cmd = 'C:\...\_exe &';
However, you should be (this is useful if you want to interact with simulation settings etc.) working with external API for ANSYS through the COM server. See actxserver function and documentation on API in ANSYS.