MATLAB: MATLAB interface instrument driver

gpibInstrument Control Toolboxtmtoolvisavxiplug&playzvb

i am now try to connect the r&s zvb, a vector network analyzer to the matlab via gpib, I could succesfully create an interafce object and communicate through the interface. But I receive a error message, when I want to use the Matlab interface driver (.mdd file generated from Vxi Plug& paly driver i download from the r&s offical website). see code below for the error message.
d=icdevice('custom_matlab_rszvb_driver_3.12.0.mdd','GPIB::0::20::0::INSTR') Error using icdevice (line 233) The VXIplug&play driver referenced in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\toolbox\instrument\instrument\drivers\custom_matlab_rszvb_driver_3.12.0.mdd cannot be found.
i have add the 'custom_matlab_rszvb_driver_3.12.0.mdd' into the C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014a\toolbox\instrument\instrument\drivers' and i am sure the the VISA Resource Address 'GPIB::0::20::0::INSTR' is correct.
any help? thanks.

Best Answer

I had the same problem. Matlab referred to the 32-bit driver, when I had the 64-bit driver. I just changed the filename of the driver.
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