MATLAB: Matlab intellisense (auto completion) for objects of user defined classes in Script files (.m File)

classescode auto completioncompletioneditorintellisenseMATLAB

I would like to know that is there a way for intellisense to work for user defined classes. If I create object of user defined class in command window that I can see the properties and method of that class by pressing the tab button in front of "Object + .". However, if I create object in a script file or function file then intellisense does not work. Do I need to enable some functionality or Matlab does not have this capability. Thanks

Best Answer

MATLAB cannot deal with that for now.
As a small trick, create an instance of your class in the base workspace and go back to writing your actual code.
So for example execute in the command window
a = serial('COM1');
And then go to your function you are writing and use "a.<Press TAB>" and you will see that autocompletion works.
In the case you cannot create an instance of your class use .empty this will also work fine:
a = YOURCLASS.empty(1,0);