MATLAB: Matlab integer format for answer


How do I get matlab to output the answer of (2+24)/(4*3) as an integer? It keps giving the answer as a decimal

Best Answer

Try a function, like int32(), fix(), ceil(), floor(), uint8(), int32(round()), etc.
a = (2+24)/(4*3) % Floating point.
aInteger = int32(a)
whos aInteger; % int32
aInteger = round(a)
whos aInteger; % Double

aInteger = floor(a)
whos aInteger; % Double
aInteger = ceil(a)
whos aInteger; % Double
aInteger = fix(a)
whos aInteger; % double
aInteger = uint16(a)
whos aInteger; % uint16
Note that with round(), ceil(), floor(), and fix() you will end up with a double but with no fractional part. If you want an actual integer, you have to cast to an integer data type with int32(), int16(), etc.