MATLAB: Matlab how to read txt data in a specific format into the workspace

data readingMATLAB

My txt file is organized in the following format:
image filename
n (number of objects of interest in the image)
bounding box for object 1
bounding box for object 2
bounding box for object n
For example, the contents in the txt file are listed as follows:
39.284331 23.721327 88.000000 135.915360
107.912089 129.898400 62.372022 89.263200
186.266100 61.768245 64.831800 106.847910
298.909724 34.289100 73.830894 105.977200
135.454600 -63.205613 109.739600 176.375026
136.462492 18.762699 121.522126 187.348778
333.601798 18.139177 104.944018 155.239682
Now I want to read the data file into a structure data (N*1, where N is equal to the number of images) with three fields, file name, number of objects and bounding box. Is there some efficient way to achieve that?

Best Answer

fileID = fopen('yourfile.txt','rt');
data = textscan(fileID,'%s','delimiter','\n');
C = data{1} ;
IdxC = strfind(C, 'images');
Idx = find(not(cellfun('isempty', IdxC)));
nimages = length(Idx) ; % total number of images
iwant = struct ; % initialize structure
for i = 1:nimages-1
iwant(i).name = C{Idx(i)} ;
iwant(i).no_objects = str2num(C{Idx(i)+1}) ;
iwant(i).bounding_box = C((Idx(i)+2):(Idx(i+1)-1)) ;
iwant(nimages).name = C(Idx(nimages)) ;
iwant(nimages).no_objects = C(Idx(nimages)+1) ;
iwant(nimages).bounding_box = C(Idx(nimages)+2:end) ;