MATLAB: Matlab : how to get method ‘tonndata’ for input arguments for matlab


??? Undefined function or method 'tonndata' for input arguments of type 'double'.?
I'm using matlab R2009a
Thank you

Best Answer

Your version is too old
function [x,wasMatrix,err] = tonndata(x,columnSamples,cellTime)
%TONNDATA Convert data to standard neural network cell array form.

% tonndata and fromnndata convert data from and to standard neural
% network form.
% Standard neural network cell array data consists of a cell array which
% has as many rows as there are signals and as many columns as there are
% timesteps. Each i,jth element of the cell array is a matrix which has
% as many rows as the ith signal has elements and as many columns as
% there are samples.
% [Y,wasMatrix] = tonndata(x,columnSamples,cellTime) takes matrix or cell
% array data X and converts it to standard neural network cell data Y.
% If columnSamples is false, then matrix X or matrices in cell array X
% will be transposed, so row samples will now be stored as column vectors.
% If cellTime is false, then matrix samples will be separated into columns
% of a cell array so time originally represented as vectors in a matrix
% will now be represented as columns of a cell array.
% The returned value wasMatrix can be used by FROMNNDATA to reverse the
% transformation.
% Here data consisting of six timesteps of 5-element vectors is originally
% represented as a matrix with six columns is converted to standard
% neural network representation and back.
% x = rand(5,6)
% [y,wasMatrix] = tonndata(x,true,false)
% x2 = fromnndata(y,wasMatrix,columnSamples,cellTime)
% Here data is defined in standard neural network data cell form.
% Converting this data does not change it. The data consists of three
% time series samples of 2-element signals over 3 timesteps.
% Copyright 2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
P.S. You can convert data between matrix and cell formats without using this function
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