MATLAB: MATLAB Home License for Collaborative Research

licensingMATLABmatlab homeresearch

Hi, I had two questions that will hopefully clarify for me the restrictions on a MATLAB Home License.
1) If I wanted to continue research from my Ph.D program for my own personal exploration, is that allowed under a MATLAB Home License?
2) If the answer to 1) is yes, now say that I wanted to collaborate with my former academic advisor. The research is still my own, the codes are still my own, the coding is still done by me, and it is not on behalf of any academic institution or other organization. Is this allowed under a MATLAB Home License?

Best Answer

I suspect the answer to both is yes, but the Mathworks prefers us to direct all licensing questions to the Mathworks. Call them or send them an email. If you plan on selling your software (which it sounds like you don't) then you'd need a standard commercial license, not a home license. But again, call them.
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