MATLAB: Matlab Home Edition Update

license update with new computer

I am going to purchase a new computer and run Linux on the computer.
My current computer runs Mac OS X.
Can I update my licenses (renew maintenance for below licenses) for the the new computer with Linux rather than Mac Os X ?
1 MATLAB 30 Oct 2015
1 Simulink 30 Oct 2015
1 Communications System Toolbox 30 Oct 2015
1 DSP System Toolbox 30 Oct 2015
1 Fixed-Point Designer 30 Oct 2015
1 Phased Array System Toolbox 30 Oct 2015
1 RF Toolbox 30 Oct 2015
1 Signal Processing Toolbox 30 Oct 2015
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1 Simscape 30 Oct 2015

Best Answer

Yes, with a Home license, although the license terms restrict you to activation on one system at a time, you can transfer to a new system (a small number of times per year.) [Some people, including some Mathworks people, say that you can use a Home license on two systems at a time, but that does not agree with the R2015b license terms that were recently posted.]
I looked through the platform compatibility, and all the products you list there are supported on Linux. (I also confirmed that all of those toolboxes are available for Home license.)
So you should be good to go ahead.
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