MATLAB: MATLAB GUI: Is it possible to change the appearance/properties of your figure if a certain action is done

guideMATLABmatlab gui

For example, I have a GUI that requires the user to input data into an edit text box. The data is the populations of each floor in a 5 floors building. However I want to have a Check Box implying "Equal floor populations?", if it is checked, I want the 5 Edit Text boxes to become one box (since the value is equal for all 5 floors). Is this possible to be done in MATLAB GUI? Note that I am new to GUI and I have only done very simple GUIs before.
Thank you in advance
M. Ayoub

Best Answer

Sure. In the callback of the checkbox, use something like
if handles.chkEqualFloorPopulations.Value
% Hide edit boxes 2-5.
handles.edit2.Visible = 'off';
handles.edit3.Visible = 'off';
handles.edit4.Visible = 'off';
handles.edit5.Visible = 'off';
% Show edit boxes 2-5.
handles.edit2.Visible = 'on';
handles.edit3.Visible = 'on';
handles.edit4.Visible = 'on';
handles.edit5.Visible = 'on';