MATLAB: Matlab GUI Executing a Script with inputs

guiguideMATLAB Compilermatlab guiscript

Hey guys,
I'm trying to convert a long script I have into a standalone application.
When run in Matlab, the script prompts for 4 string inputs that dictate where data will be pulled from and saved to. Essentially, I've converted these 4 prompt/input combinations into a very simple GUI. I then use VariableX = get(hObject,'String') to assign the inputs of the GUI to the corresponding variable in the original script.
Then, there's a pushbutton that calls the original script when activated. However, it seems these variables (such as VariableX) are not passed into the script, as I get the 'Undefined function or variable' error.
How can I make sure those input variables are saved so that the script can execute? And will this have implications when I ultimately turn it into a standalone file?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Here you can find the solutions for same issue which has the details of using Global variables in MATLAB GUI.Also refer this for Share Data Among Callbacks
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