MATLAB: [Matlab Grader] Is it possible to get text/string as a solution in Matlab Grader

distance_learningMATLABmatlab grader

Is it possible besides the coding part in Matlab Grader, to ask also questions to check the students' understanding, where they should answer with plain text?

Best Answer

This is a great question about the use of MATLAB Grader in connection with other more traditional forms of assessment, including student reflections. In this case, you may want ot explore using MATLAB Grader within your Learning Management System, such as Moodle or Canvas. You could create an assignment where a student solves a MATLAB problem using MATLAB Grader and receives automated feedback. Then, within the list of assignments/activities in the LMS, you can follow up with a quiz, multiple choice question, short answer for reflection, or any combination of reflections and assessments to better understand the student's mastery of the concepts being taught.
You can learn more about integrating autograded MATLAB code for assessment in your LMS on our Online Assessments page.