MATLAB: MatLab Grader (Integration)

homeworkplease help

Can someone help me with my code because I can't seem to find what's wrong with it.
Here is my code:
syms x;
f=@(x) int(sin.*x + x.^3 - e.^x ), x=0, 3 ;
% #1 Part a
F1= f , [ 0 3]
N1a= F1, 0 % see the hint above
% #1 Part b
N1b= F1, 3
% #2 Part a
f2=@(x) int(2./(1+x.^2)), x=0, sqrt(3) ;
F2= f , [ 0 sqrt(3)]
N2a= F2, 0
% #2 Part b
N2b= F2, (sqrt(3))
Here is the question:

Best Answer

You are not following the appropriate syntax for setting up and integrating symbolic equations. I suggest you go to the documentation for int (link is in your problem description) and use one of the examples given there to guide you.
It sounds like you are supposed to find the indefinite integral (no limits) for part 1, and then use subs on the answer from part 1 to solve part 2. Again, look at the documentation for subs to see how to use it.
I'll give you this: "e" in MATLAB is the function exp. Call it using this syntax:
a = exp(x);