MATLAB: Matlab function outputs save in structure

function structure array

Hi guys i have really simple question. Lets assume that ı have function with two outputs. In another m file ı would lıke to call thıs function and save outputs of this function seperately in structure. Is it possible? I tried it but ıt saves just first output two times in this structure. I will note simple example in order to explain better.
In another m file ı will write for example
struct. (x)=myfunction(1,2,3)
ın structure you will see x=3 y=3 instead of y=9
how can i save these variables in structure correctly??

Best Answer

In each of your call, your only capturing the first return value of the function. You want to capture both:
[s.x, s.y] = myfunction(1, 2, 3)