MATLAB: Matlab file converted into standalone application and given input arguments

conversionmatlab to standalonemultiple arguments in .exe program

Hi I have converted a Matlab program into standalone program .exe. when I run .exe file in windows command prompt it return the following error
1. two many input arguments // when I give two inputs which is supposed to be 2. the first argument should have as many column as input variables as many rows as independent set of input values // when I give one input.
I used the command to build standalone : "mcc -mv myfile.m -a datfile.fis" ———– building process is ok. But when I run with this command " myfile.exe 2.0 20.2 "in windows prompt it gives above errors. My program takes two inputs and gives one output. I have run Matlab tutorial magicsquare.m to convert magicsquare.exe on the same computer and works fine

Best Answer

Arguments passed to a compiled executable are in character format. If you need numeric values, convert the inputs to numeric.
Also, spaces normally mark the end of each argument, so if you want 2.0 20.2 to be a single vector, you need to expect multiple inputs and convert the inputs into a numeric vector.
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