MATLAB: Matlab figure to jar file

deploytooljar filejavaMATLAB Compiler SDKmatlab plottoolbox

I want to save a matlab file to a java file such that i can have zooming, rotate options after saving the plot. I know that deploy tool is used for this. When i tried to run the mfile before building it using deploytool I am getting the following error message:
Undefined variable "MWMCR" or class "MWMCR.getCurrent".
Error in ==> javawebfigure at 6 runtime = MWMCR.getCurrent();
Error in ==> webfigure at 50 f = javawebfigure(hnd);
Error in ==> Myfilename at 18 wf = webfigure(handle) ;
I tried to build the file using the tool, but i got error message telling:
unable to build the code….
How to solve this problem? Is there any fix for this? Thanks in advance

Best Answer

where should the java application run at the end? Are you designing a web application or a classical java application?
A webfigure is designed to be displayed on a webpage, example here:
You can't translate a figure directly to a JAVA component. You can create the figure on the ML side, save it as a .fig and write a function which open that fig file. Than you compile that m file which can be executed from JAVA which will than show you the figure.