MATLAB: MATLAB fails to start on Fedora 28 (desktop)


I have a new installation of 2018a that fails to start the desktop. That is, it puts the splash page up, but doesn't make any more progress. The process monitor shows that MATLAB is using 100% of one core.
It works when started with the -nodisplay or -nodesktop options. The -softwareopengl option doesn't help.
I had a 2017b installation that worked on this computer, up to the point of frequent crashes that caused me to download the latest update.
This is a Fedora 28 system. Output from "uname -a": Linux hesperus.pmc 4.16.15-300.fc28.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 12 00:42:35 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Have you seen this before?

Best Answer

Hi Matt,
Go through the following link and I hope you'll be able to resolve the issue:
Also, If the issue persists you can go through the following link:
Hope it helps,