MATLAB: Matlab fails to create plots when called from a function


Hi there,
Whenever I launch the following code:
disp("Hello World")
With test_plot() defined as such:
function test_plot(x)
I get the following error message:
Error using gobjects (line 63) Inputs must be scalar numeric or a vector of array dimensions.
Error in newplot (line 47) fig = gobjects(0);
Error in test_plot (line 2) plot(x,sin(x))
Error in test (line 3) test_plot(x)
I am running Matlab 2017a on a Linux Mint 18 machine.
Anyone knows how to fix this?

Best Answer

Do you have any user-defined folders on top of the list of path folders? Then this can be the problem:
This can happen if you e.g. redefine false. Then inside gobject.m the line
errFlag = false;
can create the wrong output. But many other functions could suffer from such a shadowing also. You can check this by
To avoid shadowing of built-in function, check the names and append user-defined folders on the bottom of the path.