MATLAB: Matlab executes wrong function (as a part of a mfile)


Hello to everyone. I would like to ask a question about the svmtrain function. I have installed and done the make files using libsvm from the following website I have already add the path of svm library. When i try to run the svmtrain function at command window, it works perfectly, by executing the "correct" svmtrain. Although, when i try to run a m-file which contains a command with svmtrain function, Matlab uses its own version of svmtrain (toolbox\stats\stats\svmtrain.m). I run at command window
which -all svmtrain
and it produces this answer C:\Users\Pan\Documents\MATLAB\Compiled_Libraries\LibSVM1\svmtrain.mexw64 C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\toolbox\stats\stats\svmtrain. %shadowed
Why Matlab's svmtrain function isn't shadowed when i call it from a m-file? Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in advance!!!

Best Answer

After few hours of itching my head, i found the answer....It was a silly, typo mistake on the string variable, which sets the parameters of SVM classifier....Thank you all for the immediate answers! Cheers!
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