MATLAB: MATLAB equivalent to VBA’s ‘With’ Statement

accessing structuresMATLABnested structuresstructures

Is there a MATLAB equivalent to VBA's 'With' statement?
For example, is there a way to write
level1.level2(3) = something
level1.level2(3).time.worst = somethingElse
level1.level2(3).time.Avg = somethingAvg
in a simplified way such as
With level1.level2(3).time
.best = something
.worst = somethingElse
.Avg = somethingAvg
end with
Are there any good ways to simplify retreiving and editing nested structure data?
Another example of what I would like to make cleaner:
level1.level2(3) = level1.level2(3).time.something + whatever
level1.level2(3).time.worst = level1.level2(3).time.somethingElse + whatever2
level1.level2(3).time.Avg = somethingAvg

Best Answer

No, there is not.
In the special case that you are changing all of the fields, you can do something like
level1.level2(3).time = struct('best', something, 'worst', somethingElse, 'Avg', somethingAvg);