MATLAB: MATLAB environment variables

bashenvironment variableMATLABmatlabfragmatlabfrag to pdfpdflatexshell

I have a few MATLAB scripts which include the usage of 'matlabfrag' and 'matlabfrag to pdf'. I used them without any problem on my old Ubuntu machine. Now I want to use use them on a MacOS X 10.6 machine and I have the following problem: it seems MATLAB can't find the 'pdflatex'? It is installed on my machine. I got the error message:
/bin/bash: pdflatex: command not found
If I open a terminal I can use 'pdflatex', but not from MATLAB.
I assume it is a problem of setting the environment variables properly. But I don't know how and after one day trying and googleing for answers I hope someone here knows how to do it.
Thank you already in advance, Ralf

Best Answer

I have solved it now. For everyone who is interested: if you use MacTeX 2010, the lines you have to add to the startup.m are:
setenv([getenv('PATH') ':/usr/texbin']);
setenv([getenv('PATH') ':/usr/local/bin']);