MATLAB: MATLAB deals only with discrete signals

discrete continuous signal processingimage processingMATLABplotsignal processing

I was reading the book "signal processing first" by Mcclellan
I came across article 2.4 (sampling and plotting sinusoids)
Where i read a statement in third line of article. Statement was: " MATLAB deals only with discrete signal" What does that mean?
Can't we use MATLAB for continuous time signals? If not, then what is happening in case of plot(command used to draw graph of continuous time signals)
Does matlab uses interpolation technique then in case of 'plot', since neither computer nor matlab can directly handle continuous time signals as discussed earlier?
Below is a link of Stack overflow question,that also discusses something same
I have also attached a snapshot of wikipedia "polynomial interpolation "

Best Answer

MATLAB operates on digital computers in which all instructions and signals are represented as finite-length binary data: discrete data being operated on by discrete circuits.
Continuous-time signals and analog signals require -- the infinity of the real numbers -- not finite length signals.
You can model continuous-time signals, but you cannot represent them directly or store them. Simulink in particular is well adapted to model continuous-time signals.