MATLAB: MatLab – de-char a char


You read that right, this is probably the oddest question that I ever asked, but I just want to know if I can de-char a char. I don’t think it’s possible but I thought someone might have a nifty way to get me what I want.
So I have Java and MatLab connected via a socket and I have a global variable in a Simulink model that I want to send to java from an ‘m’ file. Java requests which global variable it wants and MatLab returns it. If I hardcode the global I want everything works wonderfully. But if I parse the name I want from a string it returns a string to java. My code looks like:
Test = regexp(char(remain), ';(?<varname>\w*)', 'names');
out.println(Variable); - what it does / returns a string
out.println(Variablle); - what I need / return value of sim block
Test(1).varname gives me that name I want but it comes out as: ‘Variable’ which is not what I want. I didn’t know if there was any way I could get rid of the ‘’ around the variable name I need. Thanks.