MATLAB: Matlab crash after accidently assigning a counter variable from a loop as output argument of a function

MATLABmatlab crash

i refer to this question. The question itself is not so interesting, but what happend to Madhan Ravi and the questioner is, i think:
The questioner wrote a code:
function m =feature(x,N)
some lines of code
for m=1:data
some lines of code
–> He took the variable of the for loop as output argument of his function.
When Madhan tried to run this code in order answer this question his Matlab crashed hard – resulting in this question from Madhan which is not solved at the time – even by reinstall matlab(!).
In the comment to the first question the questioner also describes:
madhan ravi etwa 6 Stunden ago
after running this function , my Matlab crashed no variables are saving in my workspace now
Kalai Arasi Mehavarnam 23 Minuten ago
That problem occurred for me too and when I copied to another fresh script, it was OK but still the variables was not saved
My question: Is there a context between this? Can this beginner mistake cause such a serious crash of matlab?
Best regards

Best Answer

Finally resolved the error :
because Matlab had inbuilt function files called feature which confused the path