MATLAB: Matlab compiler 2012b: why is imported java class name not recognized

importjavaMATLAB Compiler

I'm using r2012b with MATLAB compiler version 4.18.
Running the following script…
import java.util.HashMap
a1 = java.util.HashMap()
a2 = HashMap()
from the MATLAB environment produces expected results, i.e.:
a1 =
a2 =
However, if I compile the same code and attempt to run it, I get the following error:
a1 =
Undefined function or variable 'HashMap'.
Error in test1 (line 4)
Looks like we have to specify full class names for the compiled code to work, which is a problem as we can't simply compile our existing working MATLAB code without modifying it first.
Note that I'm seeing the same with other java build-in classes (not only HashMap) as well as all other (user-defined) classes I've tried. Calling a static java method gives a similar error in the compiled code only, i.e.:
Undefined variable "Collections" or class "Collections.max".
Error in test1 (line 11)

Best Answer

I got a response from MathWorks support. Basically, importing java classes and using class names is not supported in scripts (but is supported in functions). There are 2 solutions:
1. Use full class names
2. Put your code into a separate matlab function, i.e.:
function x = foo()
import java.lang.Math;
x = Math.round(10.12);
%%%END CODE%%%
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