MATLAB: Matlab coder cannot convert ‘imfilter’ to C/C++

imfilter keywordmatlab coder

With Image Processing Toolbox in my Matlab, I can program with 'imfilter' keyword. My example code is as below:
function output = imfilterHaar(BoolChoice)
J = ones(32,46);
F = ones(29,30);
oput = imfilter(J,F,'same', 'circular')%output is 32x46 matrix
oput = ones(32,46);
I tried to use Matlab Coder to convert the code to C without success. Below is the details:
??? The function 'imfilter' is not supported for standalone code generation. See the documentation for coder.extrinsic to learn how you can use this function in simulation.
My question is, Is there a comprehensive list of Matlab keywords that are supported/unsupported by Matlab Coder? My Matlab version is MATLAB R2013a.
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