MATLAB: Matlab code to traditional symbolic notation conversion

symbolic notationvisual notations

I am looking for a kind of converter which convert from a matlab code
e.^(x./2) * sin(ax)
To symbolic math notation.
Like this website does =>
Does MATLAB have some kind of tools to convert messy parenthesis and functions to more visual friendly notation ?
When my functions gets too complicated, it is difficult to read it and spot the errors in code version like this function at the below.
int((((x-z-0.5).^2 +(y-w).^2).^(-2)).*(1./(2.*pi.*0.25.^2)).*exp(-(1./(2.*0.25^2)).*(x.^2+ y.^2))./(10.*0.5.^(-4) +((x-z-0.5).^2 +(y-w).^2).^(-2)))

Best Answer

pretty does not do what you want?
help pretty
syms x y z w
pretty(int((((x-z-0.5).^2 +(y-w).^2).^(-2)).*(1./(2.*pi.*0.25.^2)).*exp(-(1./(2.*0.25^2)).*(x.^2+ y.^2))./(10.*0.5.^(-4) +((x-z-0.5).^2 +(y-w).^2).^(-2))))
/ 2 2
| 5734161139222659 exp(- 8 x - 8 y )
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dx
/ / 1 \ / 2 / 1 \2 \2
| ------------------------------ + 160 | | (w - y) + | z - x + - | | 2251799813685248
| / 2 / 1 \2 \2 | \ \ 2 / /
| | (w - y) + | z - x + - | | |
\ \ \ 2 / / /
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