MATLAB: MATLAB C++ Complex Numbers

ccomplex numbersMATLAB

I have a MATLAB function that calculates wave phases using a -j in a multiplication statement. When I compile this into a C++ shared library I get an error that complex integer arithmetic is not supported. I tried substituting complex(0,-1) for -j, but that results in the same error.
Is there any workaround for this?
EDIT: It's MATLAB 7.11.0(R2010b) I'm running it on Windows XP (32 bit.)
I'm able to compile the matlab code into a C++ shared library. The matlab code doesn't do any I/O operations – that is all handled by the c++ natively and then passed into the matlab functions. The compiled library will throw an exception when it hits the complex arithmetic. Using the mclGetLastErrorMessage function I see that the error is "Error using ==> times Complex integer arithmetic is not supported." and then a pointer to the line of the MATLAB file where I use -j.

Best Answer

Is your c++ code passing integer or double complex data as an input to the compiled code?
MATLAB can not do complex math on integer types. Test your code from MATLAB exactly the way it will be used before compiling:
>> a=int32(1+i);
>> a*3
Error using .*
Complex integer arithmetic is not supported.
>> b=1+i;
>> b*int32(5)
Error using .*
Complex integer arithmetic is not supported.