MATLAB: Matlab Busy since four hours


Here is my code which when run makes the matlab show busy since hours. What can be wrong? My data is big though!
Y = importdata('Dr_Kucukvar_data.xlsx');
linverse = importdata('L_inverse.txt');
mlinverse_1 = X(:,1);
mlinverse_1 = diag(mlinverse_1);
mlinverse_2 = X(:,2);
mlinverse_2 = diag(mlinverse_2);
mlinverse_3 = X(:,3);
mlinverse_3 = diag(mlinverse_3);
mlinverse_4 = X(:,4);
mlinverse_4 = diag(mlinverse_4);
mlinverse = [mlinverse_1 mlinverse_2 mlinverse_3 mlinverse_4];
Result_matrix = zeros(7824,1);
for i= 1:4
u= 7824*(i-1)+1;
g= u +7823;
for j= 0:26
for k= 96:107
h= 163*j + k;
z= zeros(7824,1);
z(h)= 1;
S = mlinverse(:,u:g) * linverse * z;
Result_matrix = [Result_matrix S];

Best Answer

Your method of appending columns to 'Result_matrix' is very time consuming. Also as Geoff points out, your creation of a new 'z' matrix each time in the inner loop is very inefficient. I suggest you alter your code as follows:
Result_matrix = zeros(7824,1297); % 1297 = 4*27*12+1
c = 1;
for i= 1:4
u= 7824*(i-1)+1;
g= u +7823;
for j= 0:26
for k= 96:107
h= 163*j + k;
S = mlinverse(:,u:g) * linverse(:,h);
c = c+1;
Result_matrix(:,c) = S;
This should give you the same result and be considerably faster.
Final note: Do you really want the first column of Result_matrix to be all zeros?