MATLAB: MATLAB background imshow image.

axesbackground imagezoom

I use an axis for preview the background image in background, i use an another to preview the image in a little box, but when i click "show image" the image rewrite my background image.
Sorry for my bad english, Regards, Hunor
Here is a code: function pushbutton10_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) axes(handles.axes1); global kep; global a; imshow(kep);
function axes3_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
backgroundImage = importdata('hatter.jpg');
axis off;

Best Answer

I have tested the following code and it works. Add it to your own.
% In the pushbutton3 callback
handles.output = hObject;
backgroundImage = importdata('background.jpg');
imshow(backgroundImage, 'Parent',handles.axesBackground);
axis off;
axis image;
guidata(hObject, handles);
% In the pushbutton5 callback
handles.output = hObject;
littleBoxImage = importdata('image.jpg');
imshow(littleBoxImage, 'Parent',handles.axesLittleBox);
axis off;
axis image;
guidata(hObject, handles);
Defining the "parent" property allows you to choose in which axes you will display the image. I had used the axes(handles.myAxes) for plotting, not for image display, so I suppose that was the problem.
This should (finally!) work. Give it a try ;-) .