MATLAB: Matlab Arrays not populating correctly

cell arraysMATLABvector

Hi all, I'm getting a problem with MATLAB where the values being inserted into a vector are appearing as [] instead of [rand, 0].
This is my code:
M = 10; %no of chromosomes (candidate solutions)
N = 2; %no of genes
for k = 1 : M
population.Chromosomes(M).Gene(:) = [rand, 0];
population.Chromosomes(k).fitness = fitnessFunction(population.Chromosomes(M).Gene(:) );
The matrix population.Chromosomes should show all the values in the gene column as [0.8344,0] for example, and I'm sure these cells have values as the fitness vector has a value.

Best Answer

Your code is telling it to assign [rand,0] to gene(M). This means that it will always assign the value to the 10th row, which is what it looks like it is doing. You are assigning correctly for fitness, and you can see the values of Gene change each time since the values for fitness are different in every row.
Did you mean to use k instead?
M = 10; %no of chromosomes (candidate solutions)
for k = 1 : M
population.Chromosomes(k).Gene = [rand, 0];
And now to visualize the results.
ans = 1×2
0.8894 0
ans = 1×2
0.4122 0
ans = 1×2
0.4319 0
ans = 1×2
0.8130 0
ans = 1×2
0.4936 0
ans = 1×2
0.8817 0
ans = 1×2
0.8535 0
ans = 1×2
0.0575 0
ans = 1×2
0.7653 0
ans = 1×2
0.5670 0