MATLAB: Matlab and external .exe communicating through memory


I am trying to make Matlab work with an external .exe. The idea is:
  1. Matlab shall start the .exe and pass some parameters to it ( I guess System(…) does the job for this — or [status,cmdout] = dos(…); )
  2. now, the exe runs in a loop, getting some images from a camera / other data and puts it to memory.
  3. Matlab should get this data from memory while the exe runs. I was thinking of allocating the memory in Matlab and passing its pointer to the exe as starting argument (so it knows where to put the data).
  4. the exe is then stopped from matlab, setting a memory value (again from input arguments)
Could anyone help me on how to do such a thing? Googled for a long time, but could not find decent tips/starting points.
Any help is appreciated – thanks!

Best Answer

Passing a pointer will not work, as the processes are in different address spaces.
You can memory-map a common file; see and MATLAB memmapfile()