MATLAB: MATLAB : access to the callback function of checkbox


Hello, I have some checkbox and a push button to select all of them.
Code of my button "Select all" :
for i = 1:5
set(sprintf('handles.check%d',i),'value', 1)
But, I would like to go to the checkbox callback function each time I select one of them. How can I do this ? Because for the moment, all my check box are selected when I push the button "Select all" but the code into each checkbxo is not executed. My code in a checkbox is :
function check1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if(get(hObject ,'Value') == 1)

Best Answer

Factor out your checkbox callbacks to something like this:
function checkBoxCallback( hCheckbox, ind )
if ( logical( get( hCheckbox, 'Value' ) )
then an individual callback would just be e.g.
function check1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
checkBoxCallback( hObject, 1 );
and in the for loop you put at the top of your question just add in a call to this new factored out function as e.g.
for i = 1:5
set(sprintf('handles.check%d',i),'value', 1)
checkBoxCallback( handles.( sprintf( 'check%d', i ) ), i );
I may have made a few syntax errors there as I am typing straight into here without testing in Matlab first, but hopefully you get the idea even if the syntax is not exact.