MATLAB: Matlab 2019a projects

MATLABmatlab projects

I am trying to set up the newly introduced projects in Matlab. I installed R2019a, but projects seem not to be a part of my installation. The documenation tells me, there would an option "New -> Project" on the home tab, but that option does not exist. Also, the commands provided in the documentation seem not to work at all (undefined functions). Am I missing something? I checked the packages that I avoided to install, but none of them seem to introduce projects, I guess that is not the reason. How can I activate this feature?
Thanks in advance for help!
I solved my problem, Matlab loaded the pathdef.m from my previous version and did therefore not even show the options.

Best Answer

It’s there, as one of the options in the ‘New’ radio button dropdown menu:
Project Dropdown Menu Location - 2019 04 03.png
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