MATLAB: MATLAB 2018a won’t start add-on manager in Ubuntu 18.04

addon managerMATLABubuntu 18.04

I currently have MATLAB 2018a installed in Ubuntu 18.04, but have encountered several issues. If I activate the license for a user other than root, MATLAB will get stuck at the blue loading screen and not start (no error messages or anything either), so I activated the software for the root user and have been running it from there. MATLAB will now start and run properly, but I cannot open the add-on manager at all. If I click get add-ons or manage add-ons nothing happens. The Log-in button in the top-right of MATLAB also does not function properly, doing nothing when clicked.
MATLAB otherwise functions corectly and I can run code that doesn't require any add-ons, but I need the add-ons for my work. I have seen several older threads having issues with the add-on manager but none of their solutions help. I tried installing the packages manually using the .mlpkginstall files, but this also does nothing. Many (but not all) functions that involve opening a new window fail. Is there any way to fix this problem, and if not, is there any other way to manually load add-ons into MATLAB without the manager?

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