MATLAB: MathLab working on images

image analysisImage Processing Toolboxthresholding

I have 2 images: VISUALSALIENCY and EVENTSALIENCY ( both images are in grey scale).. in VISULASALIENCY white is minimum and black is maximum.. in EVENTSALIENCY white is minumum and black is maximum .. i have to do an inversion , and should be somthing using the matrix of ONE … ONE …= ONE – VISUAL .. something similiar ….
then i have to do the thresholding of both images.. i need help thanks

Best Answer

No inversion is necessary. Just reverse the sign of the > sign if you want to find maximums that have values the opposite of what you'd normally think they should have.
% Threshold to get dark values, which are max saliencies for both arrays.
maxVisual = VISUALSALIENCY < 128; % or whatever

maxEvent = EVENTSALIENCY < 128; % or whatever
bothMax = maxVisual & maxEvent; % If you're interested in where both are max.
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