MATLAB: Mathematical Modelling for parametric analysis


Hi everyone,
I am trying to practice some mathematical modelling exercises using Matlab. Is it possible to get a sample data set, to practice eg: Fuel Economy Analysis, given in the webinar link below?
Any links to sample dataset would be really helpful
Many thanks.

Best Answer

See the documentation for regress to understand how to work with the ‘carsmall.mat’ file.
You should have it, since it’s been a part of MATLAB for a while.
You can see if you have it by running:
filelocation = which('carsmall.mat')
from a script or Command Window. When I ran it, the result was:
'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020b\toolbox\stats\statsdemos\carsmall.mat'
so if you have the Toolbox, you should have the file.
The file in the webinar documentation just threw an error when I ran:
carData = importYearXLS(2007);
So it apparently doesn’t exist.
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