MATLAB: Matalab Functions and mex files

matlab functionmex

Hi All,
How can a matlab function file which does not contain any code be executed in matlab. I read at the author page of the code that these functions are MEX files. So where is the code of this function written and how it can be viewed/ edited?
Thanks a lot in advance.

Best Answer

Some of those function files that contain no code are simply the help text for a MEX-file, built-in function, or P-coded file.
MEX-file: to see the code, ask the author of the MEX-file for the C (or C++ or Fortran) source code for the MEX-file.
Built-in function: to see the source code for a function built into MATLAB (one for which the which function says "built-in", like sin or plot) start here. [I mentioned which to distinguish functions like sin and plot from functions included as part of MATLAB which are not built-in, like ode45. Some people call the ode45 function "built in", but it is implemented as a MATLAB function file and so it can be read.]
P-coded file: to see the code, ask the author for the file from which the P-coded file was generated.