MATLAB: “mat” file not getting logged-parrot mini drone

matlab r2018bparrot mambo mini dronesimulink

I configured the parrot mini drone with MATLAB R2018b. The drone operates correctly but when I try to get the MAT file after stopping the program, it displays the following error, "MAT-File not found on mini drone. Ensure that MAT-File logging is enabled and build the model again. Note that MAT-File logging is only available if you have Simulink Coder."
I have already checked that I have a liscenced version of Simulink Coder and also, before uploading my flight control system on the drone, I run "set_param('FlightControlSystem','MatFileLogging','on')" command. However, still, the MAT file is not logged. The "Flight log" file is getting created.
Please could you help on this issue.

Best Answer

I got it. I was earlier using Visual Studio 2017 and hence, I was not able to generate the MAT file. I changed the compiler to MinGW one and it worked.