MATLAB: Marker doesn’t appear in plot3() legend

3d plotslegendMATLABplotting

I am plotting a 3d scatterplot.
I don't understand why the markers don't appear in the legend, any suggestion?
colors = colormap('colorcube');
colors = colors(1:5:end,:);
markers = 'osd*p';
figure('Position',[200 200 800 600])
hold on;
for eIDX = 1:size(eList,1)
data = DataPP{strcmp(DataPP.hello,eList{eIDX}),BestfeatList(1:3)};
plot3(data{:,1}, data{:,2}, data{:,3},'Color',colors(eIDX,:),'Marker',markers(eIDX),'Linestyle','none');
grid on;
legend(eList,'Location','EastOutside'); legend boxoff
view([30 7])
title('Three best features')

Best Answer

I assume eList contains a cell array of character vectors (or a string array) that define the legend strings.
Try this,
hold on;
h = cell(size(eList));
for eIDX = 1:size(eList,1)
data = DataPP{strcmp(DataPP.hello,eList{eIDX}),BestfeatList(1:3)};
h{eIDX} = plot3(data{:,1}, data{:,2}, data{:,3},'Color',colors(eIDX,:),'Marker',markers(eIDX),...
'Linestyle','none','DisplayName',eList{eIDX}); % eList(eIDX) if using a string array
% Get first handle of each handle array
handles = cellfun(@(c)c(1),h);
legend(handles, 'Location','EastOutside')
Why does this problem occur?
When you call plot3(), it apprently produces multiple handles, one for each column of data. Since you're only applying 3 strings in the legend function, the legend is only considering the first three handles which are all from the first call to plot3(). Instead, my solution 1) uses DisplayName to assign legend strings,2) stores all handles produced by plot3, 3) extracts the first handle from each handle array produced by plot3(), and 4) supplies the subsampled handle array to the legend function.