MATLAB: Mark the peak of a graph

graphgraph markermarkerpeakpeak marker

I'm trying to place a marker at the peak power value of a graph but I'm having trouble. This is my code,
[Peak, PeakIdx] = findpeaks(Power);
plot (Resistance,Power)
hold on
grid on
ylabel ('Power (mW)')
xlabel ('Resistance (\Omega)')
title ('Power vs Resistance')
text(Resistance(PeakIdx), Peak, sprintf('Peak = %6.3f (mW)', Peak))
I get "Peak=24.900 (mW)" but I'd like there to be some sort of marker at the exact location of the peak on the graph. I've looked around and found a page that should be answering my question but I must be doing something wrong. On the image below I would like there to be a circle (or something) to more clearly indicate that peak power occurred at 1000 ohms. I can put a couple spaces in to move "Peak…" over (' Peak = %6.3f (mW)', Peak). Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

[Peak, PeakIdx] = findpeaks(Power,Resistance);
hold on
grid on
ylabel ('Power (mW)')
xlabel ('Resistance (\Omega)')
title ('Power vs Resistance')
text(Resistance(PeakIdx), Peak, sprintf('Peak = %6.3f (mW)', Peak))