MATLAB: Marginal Density from a joint DIstribution

joint distributionmarginal density

Hey, I have a really simple question. How can I obtain a marginal density fx(x) from a joint distribution (x,y) ? In my case the joint distribution follows a log-normal distribution. I cannot use Quad since it requires both integrals (x and y). Thanks a lot for your help. Mo

Best Answer

You might try to do it symbolically with INT. Numerically, you could do this:
fx = @(t)arrayfun(@(x)integral(@(y)f(x,y),-inf,inf),t)
Naturally you would use whatever the correct range is on y if it's not -inf to inf. I just wrapped it with arrayfun so you could easily integrate it or plot it. I also used arrayfun because you can substitute quadgk for integral if you don't have R2012a. With the new integral function in particular you also have the option of using 'ArrayValued' option. Here's an example
BivariateNormalPDF = @(x,y,mux,sigmax,muy,sigmay,rho) ...
exp(-(((x-mux)/sigmax).^2 ...
+ ((y-muy)/sigmay).^2 ...
- 2*rho*((x-mux).*(y-muy)/(sigmax*sigmay)) ...
)/(2*(1-rho*rho)) ...
f = @(x,y)BivariateNormalPDF(x,y,3,1,1,2,0.5);
fx = @(x)integral(@(y)f(x,y),-inf,inf,'ArrayValued',true);
You can now plot or integrate fx.
>> x = -2:0.1:8;
>> plot(x,fx(x));
>> integral(fx,-inf,inf)
ans =
-- Mike