MATLAB: Mapshow of Geotiff Landsat8 band

geotifflandsatMapping Toolboxmapshow

I read a Geotiff Landsat8 single band and try to plot it on a map axes. I got a number of errors, (eg. due to the 'postings' tag). I have tried dozens of possibilities and couldn't display it. I am currently a bit confused by so many "referencing objects, rasters, etc.". I would be very grateful if someone can let me know how. Please, try it with Landsat8 bands, UTM WGS84.
Thanks, B

Best Answer

If you're using the same projection as the Landsat image itself (which is probably the local UTM zone), you can use L8read and simply plot in x,y coordinates. It would look something like this:
[I,x,y] = L8read('LC80270392013243LGN00','band',3);
axis xy image