MATLAB: Mapping a raster with latitude and longitude coordinates

latitudelongitudemapMapping Toolboxraster

I have a satellite image file (2034×1354) where I pulled out reflectance values,latitude,longitude coordinates. I am having a difficult time trying to display/map this image. I have done research online and still cannot figure it out.
Here are the results:
Ref = 2030x1354 single
latitude = 2030x1354 single
longitude = 2030x1354 single
and reshaped to Vectors:
vRef = 1x2748620 single
vLat = 1x2748620 single
vLon = 1x2748620 single
I have tried:
[latgrid,longrid] = meshgrid(latitude,longitude)
geoshow = (latgrid,longrid,Ref,'DisplayType','texturemap')
Not surprisingly, I get an error "Requested 2748620×2748620 (28144.2GB) array exceeds maximum…"
Any ideas?

Best Answer

I would expect
geoshow(latitude, longitude, Ref, 'DisplayType', 'texturemap')