MATLAB: Maple in 2012a student version solving difference equations (z transforms)

embedded matlab functionMATLABsymbolic

Hello I am trying to use the student versionr2012a for my homework for advanced engineering math. We are studying z transforms. To verify solving difference equations my textbook calls for using the command :
>>maple( ' rsolve( { y(k+2) + y(k+1) - 2*y(k)=1, y(0)=0, y(1)=1} , y(k) ')
I get the error: error using maple (line37) The MAPLE command is not available.
Am I doing something wrong or is there a way to work around this problem? At school this command works fine in an earlier version of matlab. I am not sure what version the school has.
Thanks Dan

Best Answer

rsolve is for recurrence equations. There is a MuPAD-level routine rec for representing recurrence equations, and the MuPAD-level solve routine can process them.
Note that these are at the MuPAD level, and do not have direct exposure at the MATLAB level. You need to feval() or evalin() the symbolic engine providing MuPAD code, such as
evalin(symengine, 'solve(x^5-5,x)')