MATLAB: Manipulating the imported data using textscan

data acquisitionmatrix manipulationtext filetextscan

I have used textscan to import data from a text file. The data has indeed been imported and it is stored as cell array. The string contains the data that has two sections and i want the section that has the data for calculated reaction time and not raw reaction time. There are no obvious delimiters that will be repeated and the number of rows in the calculated reaction times vary because it is generated by the responses from the test subjects. My code seems to work so far, but the next step would be to isolate the data from the cell using a loop i suspect. I am open to any and all ideas. I am also attaching the file in question to this question.
[filename] = uigetfile('*', 'Select the data file') %feed the data file here with the reaction times.
import_data = importdata(filename) %This function imports the reaction data from the file
[data] =
fid = fopen(filename,'r')
scan_init_cell = textscan(fid, '%s %s %s', 'headerlines',18, 'CollectOutput', 1,...
'TreatAsEmpty',{'Responsed to Nothing','Missed Response'})
scan_init = [scan_init_cell{:}]
scan_init_cell = cellfun(@isnan, scan_init, 'un', 0);
%file_string = scan_init_cell{1};

Best Answer

What is it that needs to be done that is not done by the solution I provided in ?