MATLAB: Manibulation of 3d matrix

3d matrix row

hi all! I have a matraix:
A(1,:,:)=[a1 a2 a3..;a11 a22 a33 ..;.....;]
B(1,:,:)=[b1 b2 b3..;b11 b22 b33 ..;.....;]
how could make the matrix C
C=[a1 a2 a3..;b1 b2 b3..;a11 a22 a33 ..;b11 b22 b33 ..;.....;]
thank you!

Best Answer

A(:,:,1)=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]
B(:,:,1)=[10 20 30 ;40 50 60;70 80 90]