MATLAB: Making dialog box parameters for MATLAB function blocks

dialogdialog parametersdialog-boxMATLABmatlab coderparameterssimulink

Hi everyone, I'm a beginner at creating my own Simulink blocks and I was wondering if anyone could help with this.
Anyway, I'm trying to implement a MATLAB function as a block in Simulink. The function has multiple inputs as is, but I'd like to change some of the inputs to parameters that can be changed via dialog box if possible.
So suppose the block represents a simple function (far simpler than the one I want to work on):
function [x, y] = fcn(u, v)
x = u + v;
y = u - v;
How can I turn y into a parameter that can be tuned via dialog box rather than an input?

Best Answer

In the MATLAB Function Block editor you can click edit data. This brings up a dialog that lists all of the inputs and outputs. Select the input you want and change the "Scope" setting to "Parameter". More details here: