MATLAB: Making a vector based off ginputs


Hi i currently have:
for i=1:11; %For 11 states
[xcord,ycord] = ginput(6);
giving me two 11X6 matrices with the boundaries of 11 states selected.
my issue is now i am supposed to create a 11×1 vector called myStates. where each row in myStates will contain a state name. The state name in each row should correspond to the coordinates in Xstate and Ystate. For example, if the 3rd row in myStates is ‘CA’, then Xstate(3,:) and Ystate(3,:) should contain the coordinates for California’s bounding box.
any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Put this in the for loop to alert them what state they're supposed to be drawing
promptMessage = sprintf('Please click 6 points for state %s', myStates{i});
titleBarCaption = 'Continue?';
button = questdlg(promptMessage, titleBarCaption, 'OK', 'Cancel', 'OK');
if strcmpi(button, 'Cancel')
continue; % Skip to end of the loop and continue with loop.
Then call ginput(), etc. Be aware that Xstate and xstate are different because MATLAB is case sensitive.