MATLAB: Making a touchscreen keyboard using GUIDE pushbuttons


Any help on this topic would be appreciated. I need this in the next 18 hours!
I am trying to create a GUI which has an edittext box and when you click on it, a keyboard made of pushbuttons pops up.
I want to know how to get this keyboard to work. One problem I am having is that it does not pop up immediately when I click the edittext, I have to press enter to make it come.
I'd like the keyboard to update the edittext box on the original GUI as I press the buttons!

Best Answer

I just answered something similar last week:
As for getting the editbox to poof the new window, you might have to use a regular textbox's 'ButtonDownFcn'. This is because an editbox will allow you to edit with the keyboard on click where a textbox gives you the ability program what happens when you click on it.